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Myths and Truths of Shaving Double Coated Dogs

Double coated dogs are a big topic when it comes to grooming. Some believe they should be shaved while others do not. This blog post is to clear up the myths and truths about shaving double coated dogs. Double coated means that the dog has an undercoat. Double coated dogs include, Australian Shepherds, Huskies, German Shepherds, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Pomeranians, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Chow Chows, Saint Bernards, Great Pyrenees, Corgis, Malamutes, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Border Collies, Newfoundland, and more.

Here are some myths and truths about double coated dogs:

Myth: Shaving double coated dogs will make them cooler in the summer, they're so hot.

Truth: Double coated dogs need their coat to stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Their coat works as a thermostat and helps regulate their body temperature. When a double coated dog is shaved in the summer, they are more likely to over heat and they are at a higher risk of sunburn and that can lead to cancer,

Myth: Double coated dogs hair will grow back if shaved. It eon't ruin their coat.

Truth: Shaving a double coated dogs coat will ruin their coat and it may not grow back or grow back patchy. If the fur grows back, it will look damaged and won't look like it did before he/she was shaved.

Myth: I want my double coated dog shaved because it will help with shedding.

Truth: Shaving a double coated dog will not help with shedding. Your dog will still shed, just in smaller, sharper pieces. If shedding is the concern, a bath and de-shed service should be done and that will stop the fur from shedding. It's recommended to do a de-shed treatment every 4-6 weeks to keep up with it.

Myth: I've had my double coated dog shaved so many times before, the fur will grow back.

Truth: Even if the fur grew back before, the next shave down could cause it to not grow back. It may not happen after the first few times, but eventually, the hair will stop growing back or be patchy.

What kind of grooming should double coated dogs get?

Double coated dogs should get a bath and de-shed treatment. That is a safe way to stop the shedding that will reduce shedding. Double coated dogs can also receive a silhouette trim, which is when the groomer will trim up the feathers on the butt, legs, chest, and belly. It contours the body basically. It doesn't include cutting the undercoat and will make the dog look neat and cute!

Double coated dogs are super cute and have nice, full coats that help regulate their temperature and protect their skin. And let's be honest, who doesn't love a nice, fluffy doggo?

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